Monday, November 07, 2005

An Atypical Day

This past Saturday was an unfortunate day of missed events for both Jori and I, but still a great day for each of us independently. On Saturday morning I went fishing with a labmate of mine. We left at about 9:00am which is fairly early for me on a Saturday morning. Fortunately my labmate drove. We went to a local state park that was fully decorated in fall foliage. It was a great morning to be out fishing. We were successful in catching 4 fish—2 each. We caught three bluegills and one smallmouth bass, but all 4 were much, much too small to keep. Still some satisfaction was salvaged in just catching fish period, and at 70F in November with a beautiful blue sky we greatly enjoyed the peaceful stillness of God’s creation. Around noon the fish went out to lunch or something because we didn’t even get so much as a nibble after that. We debated about heading back to State College around 2pm, but decided that it would be best to fish for another hour or so to avoid the football traffic (the game started at 3:30). So, around 3:00pm we headed back for town.
I arrived home around 3:30 to find a note on the table from Jori. She had gone to the football game with one of our fellow youth group leaders. As it turns out, our landlords stopped by our house shortly after I had left that morning for fishing and given Jori two free tickets. If only I had made it back an hour or so earlier when we had first thought of leaving! So, I spent my afternoon doing various chores and listening to the game on the radio. Sounded like a good game to boot. Oh well.
Later that night we were to go hear the American Boy Choir perform at a local church. Why they scheduled this on a football weekend, I’ll never know. Anyway, Jori didn’t make it home in time from the game, so I was left to go without her. Before I left the house I left a note telling her that I would save a seat for her in the back as long as I could fight the others off. The concert was amazing. The little pre-pubescent boys were divided into treble 1, 2, and alto. Just amazing. I’ll never complain about singing gospel tenor again that’s for sure. Just as the concert was ending, and just as I was walking out of the church, down the street just a few meters was a slightly out-of-breath Jori, who had tried her best to make at least part of the show. Oh well once again.
So the two of us spent our Saturday in a very atypical American way: the Wife went to the big football game while the husband went to a concert. The somewhat sad thing is that had we known ahead of time about the football tickets we probably could have both gone to both events together.


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